The road ahead…the road behind…

Having just completed my 70th trip around the Sun, I now ponder, shall I look ahead or shall I look behind? In my personal realm, I’m always looking ahead, whats next? Whats for dinner? What am I doing tomorrow or in the next 5 minutes? My mentor say’s “Be here now”. That was the other EST course I took. Be Here Now. I thought that was obvious, that I am where I am at any given moment…but aha, not true. Too often (like all the time)…while traveling around the Sun…I’m “out there”. In La La land, dreaming of what ”if” and what can ”be”. All the while dismissing the “now”. Big deal, So what, Who cares.

Discovering Movement Class

A body in motion tends to stay in motion. Does the mind do that as well? As I sit here overlooking the Pacific ocean, listening to the surf crash, the birds soaring gently overhead, my mind is off and galavanting like a loose dog through the neighborhood. Sniffing this, sniffing that, eating junk here and there. Wandering. Wondering. As my little demon, whom I call “Chuck”, sits tapping my shoulder for attention, whispering in my ear, “what’s next…what’s ahead”? So before being slingshot “out there”, perhaps there can be benefit of looking in the rearview mirror. Taking a “look back” as my coach referred to it. Seeing where we came from to get where we are, right here right now.

But first Congratulations are in order. Congratulations to the couple married 55 years. And congratulations to the lady who’s been married 3 times and cumulatively can’t come close to 55 years. Considering only 8 out of 100 live past age 65, being married 55 years is remarkable. Being married is remarkable. Staying married is remarkable. Being alive past 65 is remarkable. Regardless of where we’re at on our individual timeline or lifeline, we can benefit from taking a pause and reflecting back upon all the miles and smiles, the tears and joys that have brought us to “right here, right now”. Oh sounds like Be Here Now.

Street Artist Beauty

Each of us have had, and continue to have (if you’re still in physical form and reading this) our own personal experiences, our journey. No one else’s. Our journey. Seeing as how we all end up in the same place (think dead), and that this ballgame doesn’t go on forever, we might benefit from taking a fresh perspective as to whats going on, right here, right now. Are we happy, are we content? Are we satisfied? Have we “came to” and accomplished all that we came to be, do and have? Which takes me down the rabbit hole of saying…as soon as I have the things I want, I can do the things I want, and then be what I want to be. It was suggested to me that I turn that around. Be who I am first. Do what I want to do. Then I will have as a result. Be Do Have vs. Have Be Do.

So taking a look back. Reflecting on my past. My failures, my accomplishments, my journey around the Sun. I am grateful for the people who have touched my life, my heart, who have lent a helping hand, have been there for me in times of need. And then congratulating self for having brought me this far. Putting ourselves “out there” on the firing line of life, one day at a time. Really stopping and thinking how far we have come in life. The wisdom and experiences that have become a part of who we are today. And now thinking…how can we benefit others? How can I make a difference in someone else’s life? To imprint a smile in their mind or heart they can carry with them as they go forward on their path, for their remaining days.

The Flower Man Can

A kind word, a smile. Remember, we each have the opportunity to enhance the experience of every person, place or thing our life may touch this day. So be gentle with self. Be gentle with others. We’re all travelers on the blue marble around the Sun.

Love to you from this Septuagenarian. If you enjoy receiving the Sunday blog, place your email below. Share with your loved ones and friends. Have a question, ask it. Have a comment, leave it. Ciao Yogi.

By Yogi

World Traveler - Fashion Advisor - Pizza & Coffee Connoisseur - Massage Therapist - Naturopathic Wellness & Nutrition - YOGA Instructor -Ancient Art of Wellbeing, “mindful thoughts, words, actions, oxygenation, guided meditation, gratitude and awareness” - Yogi…your Personal Safety Coach.


  1. as always such a treat to read yes the time is now, be do have love you my brother

  2. As an octogenarian living in a place with numerous septuagenarians, other octogenarians and also quite a few nonagenarians I have found all loving to talk about their past, living for the day and looking to the future. Also, I’m one the the lucky ones to have been married for 60 years, but just not to the same woman. My first was, and still is, a good woman, a good mother and Air Force wife, but we grew apart over years and divorced. She just became an octogenarian herself, we remain in contact and she lives close by. My current wife is the love of my life and best friend. I find myself looking back and remembering life quite a bit these days and writing my ‘memoirs’ (for my grandchildren of course), but my goal is age 96 when we will be married 50 years. We shall see.

    1. Thank you Ray for your heartfelt share. You have enjoyed many pleasures and experiences. You are blessed to have beings in your life who love and care about you. Keep on keepin’ on my friend. Yogi

  3. Well written Yogi! It makes me think about how I’m living? Am I wasting time thinking about the tomorrows, the what if’s or myself? I hope not too much. I think I’ll pay attention a little more. Thank you for the self check.
    My desire is to be helpful, kind and loving to all people. That gives me joy and that’s one day at a time.
    Love to you and Bear from Teddy and me. 🐶❤️🐶

    1. Thanks for your comment Teresa…always good for us to have reflection. Thanks for the love 💕. Yogi

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