
I feel like this kid looks going WTF as Dad rushes aimlessly nowhere. Speaking of rushing aimlessly nowhere Chuck – how about just rushing and trying to get this blog to the expressway. I’m still on the back road thinking I’m nearing the information highway 🛣 onramp. I stop, listen for familiar highway sounds, information… Continue reading Tres


Late at night in a Faraway Land He groped for his roadmap.  Having awoke at the dead end road with the fuzzy pink neon sign that said ‘exit here’ like I had a choice.  I’ve been here several days, eyes glazed over the guide, piecing together the next step to set up my blog.  Like… Continue reading Dos


AS luck would have it – he she they said ‘write a blog’.  What’s a blog/and look – the shift key can’t even make a question mark.  This is good he said.  Good luck he said.  Whatever.  Seems folks enjoy some jibberish with their jitterish in the mornings.  So be it. Short and Sweet Is… Continue reading Uno