Seems to me that we find confirmation for our beliefs and desires easily these days. Just keep scrolling Mr. Google till you strike upon what you want to hear, what you want to see, confirming what you want to believe. Is jumping off a building a good idea? Some would say “no” and try to… Continue reading Yep, thats what I want to hear…thats what I want to see…
Author: Yogi
World Traveler - Fashion Advisor - Pizza & Coffee Connoisseur - Massage Therapist - Naturopathic Wellness & Nutrition - YOGA Instructor -Ancient Art of Wellbeing, “mindful thoughts, words, actions, oxygenation, guided meditation, gratitude and awareness” - Yogi…your Personal Safety Coach.
The road ahead…the road behind…
Having just completed my 70th trip around the Sun, I now ponder, shall I look ahead or shall I look behind? In my personal realm, I’m always looking ahead, whats next? Whats for dinner? What am I doing tomorrow or in the next 5 minutes? My mentor say’s “Be here now”. That was the other… Continue reading The road ahead…the road behind…
Self Aware of my lack of Self Awareness about being Self Aware.
My Coach The other day my coach said he had become aware, of his lack of self awareness, about being self aware. I had to chew on that for awhile. Let me see…I’m not being self aware. Is that like getting my head out of my phone or being aware of my mental and physical… Continue reading Self Aware of my lack of Self Awareness about being Self Aware.
What “Is Is”…What “Ain’t Ain’t”…
Water is wet and rocks are hard. Just to show you how brilliant I am, 50 years ago I invested (spent) $450 (on my credit card, money I didn’t have) for a double long weekend seminar called “EST”. Which stood for Erhart Seminar Training. You can Wikipedia this for a full definition. Now $450 isn’t… Continue reading What “Is Is”…What “Ain’t Ain’t”…
Did You Remember…Valentines Day
Okay here we go Chuck…it’s Valentines Day, Heart Day, Love Day. Did you get your Special Person something Chuck? I hope so. It’s always nice to be remembered and loved. Even if its just yourself – you can always buy yourself a flower and a chocolate. That’s one thing about life Chuck, wherever you go,… Continue reading Did You Remember…Valentines Day
Run for Your Life…
Okay – I’m two days behind on my blog – where does the time go? I promised to talk about Personal Safety and Elements of Health. Then Chuck tapped me on the shoulder and said…”really”? “You think people want to hear any of that”? Well the World is different today – and the “How to… Continue reading Run for Your Life…
Drums are Calling – – I Must Go
Sitting on the patio on a Sunday afternoon, observing the long Mexico holiday weekend at the beach, where tents have been pitched. In the distance, not far up the beach, drummers are drumming. Calling forth the primordial ooze within us all. One can’t help but think about living life simplistically, which can mean different things… Continue reading Drums are Calling – – I Must Go
Donkeys on Grass
Okay Sybil, what are we going to write about today? Sybil was a movie in the 70’s based on a true story about multiple personality disorders. Thats how I feel everyday wondering what clothes or personality I’m going to wear that day. So it is with this blog. Many topics to cover. Lets start with… Continue reading Donkeys on Grass
Looking for an Exit Ramp
Wow Chuck…what’s that? Not what but who….that’s RANGO. RANGO? That thing has a name? I’ve never heard of a RANGO before. No Chuck, its name is RANGO. I don’t know what RANGO is except gentle and alive. Can I pet RANGO…do I want to pet RANGO? Sure. No problem. RANGO let me brush him up… Continue reading Looking for an Exit Ramp
Your First Car
Do you remember? Probably wasn’t new – but new to you. Always exciting, can’t wait to tell your friends. That’s the experience I was seeking in setting up this blog (blurb). I just wanted to drive the car. Instead they wanted to show me all the systems (electrical, mechanical, fluids, spare tire etc.). I don’t… Continue reading Your First Car