Yep, thats what I want to hear…thats what I want to see…

Seems to me that we find confirmation for our beliefs and desires easily these days. Just keep scrolling Mr. Google till you strike upon what you want to hear, what you want to see, confirming what you want to believe. Is jumping off a building a good idea? Some would say “no” and try to have you committed, others would say “yes” and escort you to the roof. The naysayers expound “no, you will hurt or kill yourself”, the contrarians encourage you to ”experience weightlessness“. Both are true, but who do you listen to? Who is your internal guide? In whom or what do you place your trust? Kind of like trusting the directions app on your phone and you end up with a dead phone at a dead end and maybe even dead.

Growing up we had Encyclopedia Britannica (Grandpa’s Google). Which required more time and diligence to find answers you were seeking. These days everyone has Mr. Google. Now everyone is smart and knows everything. Don’t believe me? Everyone has the answer to everything…about anything. Beware the contrarian. Don’t have your head in the sand they say, but its okay to trust the guy who’s buried up to his neck. Who truly doesn’t have their head in the sand one way or the other? As a young boy I was encouraged to go play on the tracks as the Midnight Special would be coming soon. I thought they were enticing me with travel. Now I’d question their motives.


So be careful who you trust and who you learn from. As my coach say’s, be careful what you practice, you may get really good at the wrong thing.

Have you ever been asked to write down your values, what you’re passionate about, who you are? Think about that. How many people could you have a conversation with? Hey buddy, got a minute? I want to tell you what I’m passionate about, who I am, what my values are. How could you tell someone who and what you are in a minute or two? And besides, If you found someone to tell that to, would they listen? Most can’t honestly listen to anyone intently with undivided attention…we’re all too busy thinking about ourselves or looking at our phones. But thats another point of discussion. So who are you? What do you stand for? What do you believe in? And once you’ve figured that out, share it in the comment section so we can get to know you. You can even remain anonymous. Take a moment to reflect on you.


Shrimp has nothing to do with this next thought. I just thought you’d like to see some shrimp. Think through everything before you do it. Even buying shrimp. If I buy this shrimp, then what happens? And then what, and then what. Like buying a new car. Ah, to look at it, drive it, smell it. Then you need to pay for it, buy insurance for it, and change the oil and maintain it, clean and wash it, and then park it so the shopping cart doesn’t find its way and scratch it. The Buddha described the end result as pain and suffering called “Dukkha”. Here we just wanted the pleasure of a new car and end up with pain and suffering. Be careful what you ask for, you may get it.

We have no idea….

So I see this procession dressed in white, carrying little baskets of rose petals, and sprinkling them on the cobblestone street. Okay, I’m intrigued and wonder what this is all about. Easter is coming, could it be something about Easter? I approach locals in a business and point and say “what is this”? Their response is “I don’t know”. Okay, I cross the street and capture the attention of another local business person and ask “what is this”? Their response is “I don’t know”. Perfect, thats about how my entire life has gone….I just don’t know.

Until now. What time is it Master? The time is now. So back to defining yourself. Now that I’ve turned the corner of 70, its time to reinvent, rediscover, renew myself. How exciting. Think about it. Are you the same person doing the same things, wearing the same clothes as you did in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s? No of course not. We are always rediscovering ourselves. Like caterpillars to butterflies. So its time for me to ponder “who am I, what do I believe in, what are my values”? The answer is not what I’ve done for a living, or how many times I was married or the children that I’ve had, or where I’ve lived, who I know, what I drive, what I wear. Those are all external attributes. We need to look within.

My values today are calmness, clarity, peace of mind, serenity and trusting to be gently led and guided. Frankly I’m tired of pushing the river, it must now flow by itself. I believe in faith, hope, charity, honesty, unselfishness, love and gratitude. Its never too late for love by the way. In a nutshell, my reshaping, renewal, rediscovery mission statement, my quest, is “to enhance the experience of each person, place or thing, my life may touch this day”. If I can do that with a smile, a kind word, a helping hand, a listening ear, a gentle touch, then this day has been productive and worthwhile.

Having Fun

So I’m adjusting my sails, setting a new course, going a new direction. Using my remaining years in the pursuit of not “getting more”, but “being more”. Being more by helping others discover their potential. Teaching others how to stay alive and healthy, to know mindfulness and gratitude, support a spiritual way of life. To assist others in discovering their calmness, clarity, peace of mind and serenity. To encourage others to maintain their health and wellness. For those without training or education, or availability to it, teach them how to make a honest living by being of service to others.

If you enjoy the blog subscribe below. Share with others if you feel so inclined. Take time for reflection of self. Share your values and beliefs in the comment section. I’ll take the time to listen. Yogi.

By Yogi

World Traveler - Fashion Advisor - Pizza & Coffee Connoisseur - Massage Therapist - Naturopathic Wellness & Nutrition - YOGA Instructor -Ancient Art of Wellbeing, “mindful thoughts, words, actions, oxygenation, guided meditation, gratitude and awareness” - Yogi…your Personal Safety Coach.


  1. Hey Chaz. Still cutting hair. I need one. Oh and I have a newer website, may have told you already. If so disregard this premature dementia moment. Ken

    1. Hey Mr. Ken – great site you have and will spend more time meandering around. Always Have Shears will Travel for you Brother. You’re neurons still firing – no problem. Love you more. Yogi

  2. As always written beautifully with awareness (up yours),honesty and love for self and others. All the traits I love about you. Me just live in the now this moments as I type iam passionate about my words that I write Now,the past behind,the future let’s see what evolves. Love uuuu

  3. Beautiful shrimp! Did you have a shrimp boil?
    I have a 96 year old male friend that has spent his life helping people find their potential. He said “My expertise is to get common people to do uncommon things.” He said he isn’t dying yet because God is still using him. He’s bed ridden and has young people visiting him weekly for a token of his wisdom. He can’t use google he shakes to much. His wisdom comes from his life experiences. He says don’t stop moving even when bed ridden. Helping others is the answer to fulfillment and to inner peace.
    Good blog! Thank you.

    1. Thanks Teresa…love hearing about your friend. Still mentoring. Only when we have a closed mind do we find ourselves alone. Keep moving – a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Thanks for your share. Love you more. Yogi

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